
Articles Posted in Equitable Distribution


Florida Divorces: QDRO Tips and Tools

Family law clients always ask me, “What is a QDRO?”  (pronounced informally “Quad-Row”) QDRO is an acronym for Qualified Domestic Relations Order, which is a court order that grants a party a right to a portion of the retirement benefits his or her former spouse has earned through participation in…


Alimony and Child Support In Florida

That dreaded word in a divorce:  Alimony. Alimony is determined by the court after looking at one party’s actual need versus one party’s ability to pay. After equitable distribution is determined, the court reviews what money is left over, if anything, and considers the parties’ circumstances to come up with a fair…


What to Consider Regarding Equitable Distribution in Florida

Divorces in Florida typically split the parties’ assets and liabilities down the middle as much as possible.  Determining what is a marital asset or liability or a non-marital asset or liability can be key to whether an asset or liability will be considered in the calculations.  Before filing for divorce,…


Enhancement In Value: When Can It Be A Marital Asset?

In Florida, the enhancement of value of a nonmarital asset could be declared by a divorce court to be a marital asset.  Most of the time you see this when one spouse’s nonmarital asset is alleged by the other spouse to be a marital asset.  If it cannot be declared…


Can Monetary Gifts From Family Be Considered Income for Alimony or Child Support Calculations in Florida?

In some marriages, a spouse’s parents may supplement the family income with monetary gifts, which may be an issue later on if the husband and wife divorce.  Can one spouse argue that the other spouse will have higher income due to the monetary gifts from family members thereby raising alimony…


Rudy Giuliani Divorce: Why Asset Protection is So Important Prior to Marriage

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his third wife, Judith, are currently involved in a heated divorce.  A day after filing for divorce on April 4, 2018, the parties filed for each other to produce a statement of net worth to determine assets.  The Giulianis have been married…


Lessons to be Learned Regarding Interspousal Gifts During a Marriage

The Florida Supreme Court, on March 30, 2017, issued an opinion in Hooker v. Hooker, 220 So.3d 397 (Fla. 2017) finding a Florida horse farm and a New York summer home interspousal gifts and, therefore, subject to equitable distribution as marital property despite a prenuptial agreement in existence.  The prenuptial…


The Tightrope: Protecting Enhancement in Value and Appreciation of Non-Marital Assets

Equitable distribution of assets in Florida divorces can be a complex and divisive issue.  Regarding trusts and divorces, you can walk a fine line between a marital asset and a non-marital asset.  Enhancement in value and appreciation can be a marital asset in certain situations. Oxley v. Oxley, 695 So.2d…


Distribution of Assets of a Trust not allowed by Florida Divorce Court

Equitable distribution in Florida during a divorce can be a frightening prospect.  What are the rules regarding distribution of assets of a trust in a divorce?  Does the divorce court have the authority to distribute trust assets? The appellate courts in Florida have addressed this issue.  The appellate court held…


The Nelson Case: Non-Marital Property By Contract With An Irrevocable Trust

In a Florida divorce case, sometimes, a marital asset can become non-marital property of one spouse by contract.  Or one spouse can become the beneficial owner of marital property by transferring it to an irrevocable trust. In Nelson v. Nelson, 206 So.3d 818 (Fla. 2nd DCA 2016), a husband and…

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