
Articles Posted in Alimony


Can Monetary Gifts From Family Be Considered Income for Alimony or Child Support Calculations in Florida?

In some marriages, a spouse’s parents may supplement the family income with monetary gifts, which may be an issue later on if the husband and wife divorce.  Can one spouse argue that the other spouse will have higher income due to the monetary gifts from family members thereby raising alimony…


The Magic Date for Alimony and Tax Deductions: December 31, 2018

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act “TCJA” has a definite effect on alimony payments.  Prior to the new law, alimony payments could be deducted by the payer for federal income tax purposes and recipients had to report the payments as taxable income.  Any divorces finalized before December 31, 2018 will…


Using Income Withholding Orders to Secure Child Support and Alimony Payments in Florida

You may be tired of receiving child support or alimony payments late or not at all, and you would like to be paid directly from the employer of your ex-spouse or child’s father/mother.  Florida Statutes 61.1301 provides that an income deduction order can be entered once there is an order…


When Attending Mediation have a Good Attitude, an Open Mind (and an Open Heart) and you just might be Pleasantly Surprised

A client walked into Apple six months ago, trying to get his alimony modified. He was not sure about hiring an attorney because he felt his previous attorney was a tiger in his office but a wallflower in Court. We finally asked us him to let us try to solve…


Family Law Attorneys Promote Balanced Approach to Alimony Reform for 2013 Session of the Florida Legislature

From the Family Law Section of the Florida Bar: As the start of the 2013 legislative session approaches, one of the items for debate among advocates will be Florida’s alimony statutes. Florida currently enjoys some of the most progressive alimony laws in the nation and the Family Law Section of…

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