
Changing your Name In Florida

Florida residents seeking to change their name may do so by filing a Petition for Change of Name with the court in the county in which they reside. However, there are a few hoops that must be jumped prior to the court granting a name change. In particular, fingerprints must be submitted for a state and national criminal records search.

Also, the Petition must be verified and show numerous things, including:

  • the Petitioner is a bona fide resident of the county where the name change is sought
  • whether the Petitioner has ever been adjudicated bankrupt and if so, when and where
  • whether any money judgment has ever been entered against the Petitioner

After everything is filed and received by the clerk’s office a hearing on the Petition can be scheduled. The hearing consists of the Petitioner giving brief testimony to the Judge. Should you desire any further information on this topic please contact a Jacksonville Name Change Attorney.

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